Saturday, May 28, 2011

Dakota Rail Trail Maiden Voyage

It was another lovely day for a bike ride. What are the chances that the temperature will not get above seventy degrees all summer? It is possible to get sweaty enough on a sixty-nine degree day like today, and I'm not too fond of being sweaty. Even amidst the eyerolls of darling Hubby I loaded up the bike and went to check out the Dakota Rail Trail that starts in Wayzata. It is all asphalt, and smooth asphalt at that, making for an extra silky ride. The trail ventures through many communities that surround Lake Minnetonka and you get many a glimpse of how the other half lives. It also makes me a little nostalgic for the days when my dad was co-owner of a 18' Chris Craft that was docked in St. Alban's Bay and he would take me along for some crusin' around the lake. But that boat had a habit of sinking so eventually it was sold. But it was fun while it lasted!

But back to biking...this trail has portions that are very popular and it wasn't wildlife that I had to watch out for but other bikers, roller bladers, strollers, and walkers. Some chose to disregard the rules of the trail and didn't stay to the right but there are no major crashes to report, other than watching a roller blader biff it on a corner, but that was her own doing and I had plenty of time to swerve around her. And no, I didn't just leave her in distress, she had a friend tending to her.

I made it 24.35 miles today, which is my longest ride to date. I can't tell you how much joy it brings me to get to the half-way mark of my ride as that is when I get to turn around and then there is a sense that I just might be able to pull this ride off.  I am almost at the half-way mark of my fund raising goal as well, just $25 shy of it to be exact, so I'm feeling like $2000 is in reach.

When I arrived home and was getting in the shower, Hubby asked if I felt healthy (he used to be a runner and weight lifter so we have had discussions on changes one's body goes through as it gets stronger). Again, another question I had never considered. At that point, I felt sweaty and a little sore. Upon further rumination however healthy is not the word to describe how I feel but thankful is. I am thankful to have a body that functions well enough that I can ride a bike farther than I have since I was sixteen. I am thankful that I seem to be making progress in this burgeoning athleticism. I am thankful my knees and quads, back and elbows recover more quickly than they did a month ago. I am thankful for the support of friends and family. Perhaps I'll get to the point of feeling healthy AND thankful soon as this quest continues. For now, I am satisfied being thankful for having another cool trail close to my house and having completed one more training ride. Now, to go plant the annuals that are calling my name!


  1. Heidi, AMAZING!!! I feel strangely proud of what you are doing. I was trying to figure out why I should feel "proud" as I have nothing to do with it, and I think it's that I feel proud to know you. Love, Ann

  2. Thanks, Ann. I have to tell you that I felt proud of myself after that ride, sore but proud. And I will take your kind compliment with me on my next ride as it becomes the fuel of encouragement when it gets hard to keep pumping those pedals.

  3. Go, Heidi, Go!!! My knees hurt just thinking of biking that far! It is an amazing feeling though when you start feeling like your body is stronger. I just finished my third week of doing the Biggest Loser Boot Camp workouts and the thing that keeps me going is the fact that I've been feeling stronger - that the hard work is DOING something! Your determination is admirable :) -Allison

  4. First off- GO YOU! The comment about being thankful for a healthy body resonated with me...
    Second- thanks for the info about the trail! I need some new walking routes and will check it out. :)

  5. It is a nice walking trail too, Amy. I hope your training is going well and Max is logging the miles in the stroller!
